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Friday, August 19, 2011

Essay Contest Winner Lynn Agrapides Shively to Appear on Sports Life Radio

Sport Life Radio Writing Contest winner, Lynn Agrapides Shively, will join the Sports Life gang on Tuesday and discuss the trials and tribulations of being a screen writer along with her current projects. Join in on the fun every Tuesday at 9pm/est 6pm/pac.

I am a self-employed screenwriter who is starting a client based screenwriters forum. I want people to change their attitudes about screenwriting. I firmly believe that if one's dream is to be a produced screenwriter, they must first write a screenplay. In essence, we are the last stop after education and method teachings. Even after film school, so many  of my friends struggled with the idea of getting ideas on paper. I have completed seven screenplays, feature length over the course of the last 8 years. I am collaborating with JF Davis aka Jeff Davis on our second screenplay which is in negotiations. I have done most of this on my own from a kitchen in Western Mass. I want people to realize that if this economy dictates that getting a great job to replace the one they lost is as probable as realizing a dream, CHOOSE THE DREAM!!! I cannot guarantee production, but I can guarantee a finished product! A template the client can call their own and always be able to work on and improve, while at the same time giving them skills to finish what they started. I am not sure if I can name names when recommending a favorite method, but I love Chris Soth's mini-movie method. I am not trying to compete with methodology or film school, I prefer my clients have a working knowledge of scrrenwriting. However, as with any subject matter, some will struggle. This is where I come in to fill in the blanks...a tutor of sorts! I guess my confidence built when I had mentioned my vocation to a stranger and his sarcastic "Let me know when you finish your first screenplay" comment got me thinking "Geez, I am on my fourth. IS THAT GOOD?" The attitude was shared by others and my peacock feathers flared and that is when it hit me. If you expect to earn a living writing screenplays, you must first get a screenplay written.
Thanks so much again for taking me seriously. I have a lot of talent that I am ready to share with the world and about me, there isn't a lot I haven't moment? Winning Larry's writing contest on Cameron's fan wall is tops, but my least proud moment was, knowing he had already produced a film, I threw a green bra with a screenplay on a disc attached at Bret Michaels when he came to town...fighting for dreams can be scary, not realizing them is horrifying to me. I can jumpstart a better attitude among young hopefuls. In short, a finished screenplay is a product of yourself and no one can take that away from you. Finances and status aren't what's important, fighting to tell your story is.
Wow! I made that longer than I meant to, but at least you know where I am coming from and what I do.I also look forward to the next show!

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